What does it mean when you see a website managed by WebSifu?

When you see these words in the website footer that says: “Managed by WebSifu”, it means the owner of the website is serious about their business.

A website managed by WebSifu is...


When a website is managed by WebSifu, it indicates that the website owner takes security seriously. They ensure that any information you send to them via the website is encrypted and accessible only to the website owner. Additionally, it means that the website is clean and will not spread viruses or malware to your computer.


When a website is managed by WebSifu, it means that the website will load faster, thanks to the enterprise-grade caching mechanisms provided by our technology partner. Even if you are accessing the website from the furthest corner of the globe, you won't have to wait longer for it to load, thanks to the robust content delivery network (CDN) through which the website is served.


When a website is managed by WebSifu, it signifies that the website is up to date, particularly in terms of its back-end. By 'back-end,' we refer to the WordPress software powering the website, as well as the server software responsible for handling other aspects.


When a website is managed by WebSifu, it signifies that the website owner is deeply committed to their business. Your experience when visiting their website is their top priority. If the owner is this dedicated to their website, just imagine their level of commitment to their business—and to you.

In case you're curious...

What we do

Something concerning?

In the unlikely event that you notice anything amiss with the websites we manage, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We welcome all constructive feedback, whether it’s about positive aspects or areas for improvement!